Photography 1984-1987 Royal Academy, Ghent, Belgium
Painting 1978-1982, Royal Academy, Ghent, Belgium
International exhibitions
Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, Fireworks Factory, London, 2024
MoNo, HB55 Art Factory, Berlin, October 2023
Time Machine, Galerie Sehnsucht, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2018
The artbox project, Basel, Switserland, 2017
Self, Model, And Self As Other, The Museum Of Fine Arts, Huston, U.S.A., 2014
Lens Culture - Fotofest, Paris, Paris, France, 2010
The Spacyclist, Short film festival, European Open, 2007
Pêche à La Truite, Short film festival, European Open, 2006
A Comme Anatomie, Yvetot, France, Galerie Duchamp, 2003
A Comme Anatomie 2 - Le Cabinet De Curiosités, Centre André Malraux, Rouen, France, 2003
Polaroid Collection, Centre Europeen De La Photographie, Paris, France, 1998
La Photographie Belge, Centre National De La Photographie, Paris, France, 1991
Le Temps d'un Mouvement, Foto 89, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1989
10e Journees International de la Photographie, Montpellier, France, 1989
Deutsche Leasing Collection
- València, Spanje, Sala Parpallo, 1989
- Prague, Czechoslovakia, Foma Gallery, 1989
- Warsaw,Poland, Stara Galeria, 1989
Young European Photographers, Houston Fotofest, Houston, U.S.A., 1988
Musee de L'elysee, Pavillon de la Photographie, Lausanne, Suisse, 1987
Le Temps d'un Mouvement, Centre National De La Photograpie, Paris, France, 1987
European Kodak Award, Les Rencontres d'Arles, Arles, France, 1987
Preis Fur Junge Europaische Fotografen, Frankfurt, Deutschland, 1985
Individual exhibitions in Belgium
Chastelain & Butes, G.A.N.D.A. - parcours, Gent, 2024
(on)eigentijdse voorstellingen, ZEBRAstraat, februari 2023
Kathedralen & Wolken, Sint-Amanduskapel, 2022
Urban Rumors, gallery of School of Arts, Hogeschool Gent, 2011
I-Brain, De Bijloke, Gent, 2010
Een Groteske Schijnwereld, University Gent, 2007
Sterk Water, Kina, Gent, 2004
Cultureel Centrum, Hasselt, 2002
Cultureel Centrum, Leopoldsburg, 2001
Netwerk, Aalst, 1999
Netwerk, Aalst, 1990
Group exhibitions in Belgium
Filmfestival Gent, foto in baanaffiches, October 2023
Kijk! De Wolken! / Regardez! Les Nuages!, Verhaerenmuseum Sint-Amands, 2023
No More My Space, La Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek, Brusssel, 2019
Brussels Street Photography Festival 2018, Brussel, 2018
“Ik Wordt”, Voorkamer, Lier, 2013
De Canvascollectie, Bozar, Brussel, 2012
Art(Silence), University Gent, 2011
Wunderkammer 2, Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, 2010
Certified Copy, Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, 2010
Vlasmarkt, short film, Frontnight Z33,Hasselt, 2007
Art Concern, Kunstenaars Van De Galerie, Kortrijk, 2002
Rozengeur, Academie Voor Schone Kunsten, St. Niklaas, 2000
Prometheus, Brugge, 2000
Assen, Vereniging Van Het Museum Voor Hedendaagse Kunst, Gent, 1990
Jeune Peinture, Bozar, Brussels, 1988
Septieme Prix National Photographie Ouverte, Charleroi, 1988
Kodak Award, Bruxelles, 1987
Mois De La Photo, Liège, 1987
Jeune Peinture, Bozar, Brussel, 1987
Publications and reviews
Aforismen, book, published by ExtractArt - Berlin, 2024
Kathedralen, book, published by A&S/Books - Stichting VANDENHOVE, 2022
Wolken, book, published by A&S/Books - Stichting VANDENHOVE, 2022
DUBBEL / DOUBLE, book, Dutch - English edition, 2022
Il Corpo Solitario. L’autoscatto Nella Fotografia Contemporanea (The Solitary Body. The Self Portrait In Contemporary Photography), Giorgio Bonomi, Italy, 2013
Urban Rumors, catalogue, 2011
Art Silence, Bibliotheek Kunstwetenschappen, University Gent, 2011
O.K. Periodicals #5 / The Body Issue, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2010
Lens Culture Fotofest, Paris 2010
Arts And Artists, winter issue, Washington Dc, 2010. Interview
Een Foto Zegt Meer Dan 1000 Woorden, catalogue, 2008
The Polaroid Book, Selections from the Polaroid Collections of Photography, Taschen, 2005
In Limbo, book, published by Mertz, Dutch - English edition, 2003
Petit Format, Galerie Duchamp, Yvetot, France. 2003
Prometheus catalogue, May 2000
Standaard magazine, Octobre 1999, portfolio, interview, cover
Bizarre magazine, London, England, February 1999
The X -Factor # 63 - magazine, England, 1999
Tradition And The Unpredictable, catalogue, Museum Of Fine Arts, Houston, U.S.A., 1994
Fotografie In Oost-Vlaanderen, Mark Van Gysegem, 1992
Photographies Magazine #33, France, June 1991
Monstrueuse Beauté - Vis A Vis International #4 magazine, France, June 1989
Photo Metro magazine, U.S.A., April 1988
Le Temps d' Un Mouvement - catalogue. Centre National de la Photographie, Paris, France, 1987
European Kodak Award - catalogue, Arles, France, 1987
Houston Fotofest - catalogue, 1987
European Photography magazine, Germany, January 1986
Focus magazine, Netherlands, August, 1986
Curatorial and cooperation
Curator for; De god die zijn vrouw had opgegeten, an exhibition and book presentation by Paul De Vylder, De Zwarte Zaal, School of Arts, Hogeschool Gent, 2015
Curator for the exhibition Paul De Vylder – Dubbelbeelden, at De Zaal, gallery of Hogeschool Gent, 2004
Editor and photographer for the book Onopgeloste mediaraadsels Dr. Joseph Goebbels by Paul De Vylder, 2004
Photography and large scale analogue printing for three artistic projects
Machinae (III): Sacra Conversationi by Paul De Vylder, 2002
Machinae (II): CARGO CULT - The trickeries and ritual cunning of the Western iconological tradition by Paul De Vylder, 1997
Machinae (I): LABRYS by Paul De Vylder, 1997
Vexierbilder, 1995. An exhibition I curated for the Galerie (de ladder van) Pontormo of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent in 1995. The exhibition also travelled to the Utrecht School of the Arts, the Netherlands and to Centre régional de la photographie du Nord Pas-de-Calais, Douchy-les-Mines, France.